7 Things That Make a Blog Heading Jump Out the Page
Blog headings are vital for capturing and keeping readers’ interest, and a catchy headline is one component that’s easy to overlook for many blog writing projects. Bloggers often focus more on the web content itself, but this mistake can cost them site visitors. The following tips for excellent headline creation will make web surfers stop and click through to the rest of the content.
1. Headlines that make promises
Some of the most successful posts promise answers to questions, and the top-notch ones give readers answers to questions they didn’t realise they were wondering in the first place. This marketing concept can make the difference between web content that gets read a few times and content that goes viral.
2. Headlines that offer solutions
One of the most common types of information people seek online is how to solve a particular problem. The main job of marketers is to convince those potential customers that a given product or service provides a solution to that problem. Blog posts are an excellent way to describe that solution, and that objective starts with a succinct headline about that specific problem.
3. Headlines that generate intrigue
A blog heading with intrigue causes readers to ask “What does that mean?” or “Is that implying what I think it implies?” As a result, they click the blog heading to read the entire post and find out those answers. Some marketing bloggers borrow this tactic from book publishing, and it can work quite well for certain kinds of products or services.
4. Headlines that are straightforward
With some topics and promotional content, a direct approach is sometimes the best choice. This kind of headline is brief and worded to have an impact. The most effective ones are no longer than three or four words, but they cause blog visitors to stop and consider an idea that may not have previously occurred to them.
5. Headlines that use numbers
Popular blog posts are often in the form of lists, such as “10 Tips For…” or “Five Ways to…” Readers enjoy these posts because the content is easy to digest, and it gives them options of which points may work for them and which ones may not. When writing these kinds of blog headlines, blog marketers should keep in mind that concise wording is the most effective.
6. Headlines with catchy designs
To keep a heading from getting lost among the rest of the text, bloggers need to make the font bigger and bolder. Some blog writers also change the font to a more elaborate one, and some may even add a small image with the heading for extra emphasis.
7. Headlines that provoke discussions
The key to success with this kind of blog writing is to follow up a compelling headline with web content that invites comments. Content that sparks discussion also tends to be shared more with others, and it all starts with the heading.
A blog post can have excellent content (which you can order directly from Alfalfa), but it counts for little without an attention-grabbing headline. Crafting the best header takes some practice and consideration of which type works best, but the effort will pay off.