
What are Tweets?

Tweets are the status updates of 140 characters or less, which get sent on the social networking platform Twitter as part of your content marketing strategy. Tweet content comes in a set of 20 which is one a day for a month (excluding weekends) and is made up of  a mixture of business specific things like promotions, specials and newly published blog posts – as well as interesting case studies, quotes, videos or images which are not connected with your business, but you know will be interesting to your followers.

Coming up with interesting and engaging social media content can be time consuming, which is why Alfalfa Content Generator offers basic Tweet content which you can use to keep your profile active.

How do Tweets help?

Twitter is an invaluable business tool, not just in terms of helping to broadcast your message to an audience, but also for your online presence. Some people choose to use Tweet content to stay informed and in touch with things which are relevant to their business, this means that if you are not on Twitter, you are missing out on this potential for connecting.

More and more people are using Twitter as a search engine to find service providers or to find out what people are saying about certain things to help them in the decision making process, so it is very important that you are active within this space.

What do you need to do?

Sign up to a blogging package which includes 5 blog posts and a set of Facebook updates, and then add-on a set of Tweets to complete your package.  We will work with you to get to know your target market in order to create content which they will find interesting, informative and entertaining.

Our Tweets come in sets of 20, so you have one a day for every week day. This takes the pressure off of thinking of relevant things to share, so that you can get on and focus on your business.

Twitter is just too powerful to be ignored, let Alfalfa Content Generator take some of the hard work out of it so that you can stay focused on your business.

Get in touch to find out more on how this all works.