Top 5 Energy Boosters for your content marketing
We all know that if we begin to neglect our health, we start to get tired and lose our spark. Well the same goes for our website. If it’s not consistently maintained, it will very quickly lose its appeal and audiences won’t stay long.
Fortunately, just like antioxidant-packed juices, all you need are a few simple boosters to put the life and energy back into your content marketing:
1. A splash of empathy
The most shared copy is the kind that makes people feel like they’re understood. This is a particularly special ingredient, because it means you’ve taken the time to get to know your audience and not only understand their needs but can communicate with them in a way that lets them know this.
2. A big jug of feelings
Emotion is the world’s biggest seller. No matter where or who you are, if a brand makes you feel good you are likely to not only stick with it, but endorse it. This mixes in really well with the empathy you’ve just added – so work on getting your audience to feel something, anything and you will have their attention. Make a list and think hard about what your clients might be feeling (fear? anxiety?) and figure out how to counter those emotions with calm reassurance.
3. A tablespoon of surprise
Piquing curiosity is an easy way to get attention. It’s leaving just a tiny bit of information out so your followers want to come back for more. It’s the equivalent of a secret ingredient that you can’t quite place. You will most likely return to taste, and then taste a few more times just to try and figure out what it is. So don’t give away the point of your blog post right near the beginning, use this technique as a hook. Of course dragging it out for too long will not endear your brand to anyone, so reveal the information before your readers get bored or annoyed.
4. Three peeled and sliced objectives
This is the equivalent of giving away free stuff. Make sure your content offers something to the consumer – and not just sales talk. Advice, How-to and Tips on doing things are all examples of free information and if your readers think they are getting something for nothing, they are more likely to reciprocate by signing up to your newsletter, completing your surveys and/or following you on social media.
5. Mix the right ingredients together
What would happen if you accidently added paprika to a peanut-butter smoothie? That particular customer that you served it to would in all likelihood never come back. In fact, they may tell their family and friends what you did, they’ll pass the information on, and the next thing you know business has gone really quiet. In other words, don’t mix mistakes in with what you know to be the right ingredients.
A simple spelling or grammatical error can be off-putting and appear unprofessional. Proofread as many times as you need to, to ensure there are no mistakes. Also, be careful about citing your sources, if you re-post from somewhere else then say where it came from and be careful of spreading propaganda – know where your information is coming from.
Don’t give up on a tired website, just take some time to give it an energy boost with these 5 boosters to get it looking fresh and working for you again. If you’re still running short on inspiration and energy, sleep on it, after all it’s always been said that a good night’s sleep is the best energy booster there is.